Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What Up Readers

Hey guys, this is Kristal's better half KT. For those of you who don't know me, I just graduated with Kristal from USC in 2009. I majored in broadcast journalism, and I'm currently looking to be a sports anchor or reporter. I'm applying all around the country, and I'm hoping to hear back from someone soon so I can start working right after our road trip.

I'm very excited about the trip. It will be a great combination of visiting some of my old homes and some new cities that I've always wanted to visit. Chicago, Phoenix, and Philly are at the top of my new cities to see, and it will be great to go back to New Orleans and Charleston to see how the cities have changed and hopefully to see some familiar faces again.

Kristal and I would like to thank everyone who will be following our progress. We have been excited for this for a long time and we cannot wait to take all of you along with us here, at AmericaEffYeah. Thanks again guys, and FIGHT ON!


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